• Real Time PCR qTower 3 Germany

    Real Time PCR Thermal Cycler
    Model: qTower 3
    Brand:  Analytik Jena AG
    Origin: Germany

    Technical Specification
    Thermal Block  Sample block : Silver sample block with goldcoating
    •  Block capacity : 96 Well á 0.2 ml for 96 x 0.2 ml
    •  Sample size : 10 – 80 μl
    •  Heating: Up to 8 °C/sec (max.)
    •  Cooling:Up to 6 °C/sec (max.)
    •  Adjustable temperature range :4 °C to 99 °C
    •  Temperature uniformity :55 °C ± 0.15 °C after 15
    • sec  Temperature control accuracy :± 0.1 °C
    •  Gradient :Linear Gradient Tool
    •  Max./Min. Gradient :40 °C / 0.1 °C
    • Heated Lead  Lid temperature : 30 °C to 110 °C
    •  Contact pressure :10 kg, automated
    • qPCR application  Sensitivity:Detects 1 copy of target sequence in
    • human genomic DNA  Dynamic range :10 orders of magnitude
    • Optics  Measuring principle :Fiber optic shuttle system
    • with 8-fold scanner and color modules for excitation and emission filters  Light source :4 long life, high-power LED’s
    • (RGBW)  Detector :High sensitive PMT(Photo Multiplier
    • Tube) Color modules :  12 Color-, FRET- and Protein Modules
    •  6 positions inside device
    • Color module available for : FAMTM, Sybr®Green, Alexa488®, JOETM, HEXTM, VIC®, Yakima YellowTM ,TAMRATM, DFOTM, Alexa546®, NEDTM,ROXTM, TexasRed®, Cy3.5®,Cy5®, Alexa633®, Quasar670TM.Cy5.5®, Light Cycler Red®,FAMTM (donor) / TAMRATM (acceptor),FAMTM (donor) / Cy5® (acceptor), FAMTM (donor) / Cy5.5® (acceptor), JOETM (donor) ,Cy5® (acceptor), FAMTM (Donor)/ROXTM (acceptor), SYPRO® Orange Read out time: 6 sec for 96 wells independent of the number of dye. Control :PC or stand-alone (optional) Display :Only qTOWER³ touch: 10“ tablet, colored, touch, WIN 8.1 Time inc/dec :±1 to 240 sec/cycle Temperature inc/dec :±0.1 to 20 °C/cycle Weight :Approx. 30 kg
    Dimension (W x H x L) :275 mm x 585 mm x 275 mm Interface :  PC connection: USB, RS232,
    •  Tablet: USB for data transfer, barcode reader
    • Noise emission:45 db 

  • Real Time PCR
    Real Time PCR